This is a small System Extension that will automatically open a floating windoid whenever you open a MacPPP connection. The PPPfloater windoid "floats" above all other applications for easy access.
The floater has two functions: it will provide you with a button that will "soft close" the connection ("hard close" if you option+click the button), and it will also display the amount of time you have been online since the connection was last opened. The PPPfloater windoid will be closed when a MacPPP connection is not open.
In order to use PPPfloater, drop it into your System folder, say yes when your Mac asks if it should put PPPfloater into the Extensions folder, and restart your computer. If you do not have System 7.1 or newer, or if you do not have MacPPP installed, PPPfloater will not load.
PPPfloater is freeware. I make no warranties that PPPfloater is bug-free: use at your own risk. I am in no way responsible for any damage, loss of data, blah blah blah that PPPfloater may cause you. Having said that, if you think that you have found a bug in PPPfloater, or if you have any comments/ideas/whatever, contact me at the email addresses listed below, and I'll see what I can do. Oh, and another thing: you are free to publish/re-distribute PPPfloater as long as you contact me beforehand, PPPfloater is in its original form, and this README file accompanies PPPfloater.